Mercer County, Missouri
This site is part of

The MOGenWeb and The USGenWeb®

My Name is Martha and I am your guide to Genealogical and Historical resources for Mercer County.
I do not live in Missouri, but have roots deep in her soil.
I am an excellent online Researcher and might be able to assist
in locating that missing piece of your 'Ancestral Pie'.
I can be contacted via email: Please use this link.

Table of Contents
History ~ Pioneers ~ Native American's ~ Biography ~ What's New ~ Maps ~ Lookups & Queries
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Obituaries
Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Family Search ~ Odds and Ends
 "Missouri Meanderings" ~ Eclectic Missouri resources to enhance your GenWeb Experience [Off Site]
Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~ Family Search ~ Maps ~ Odds and Ends

Military Records & Resources

Military Burials during War time are difficult to track.
I have discovered a booklet and a film that details the process of moving Burials from various locations
to National Cemeteries.

"Statement of the disposition of some of the bodies of deceased Union soldiers and prisoners of war whose remains have been removed to national cemeteries in the southern and western states"; v. 01-04 [Missouri = Pages 25-26]
United States. Army. Quartermaster General's Office

Please Use This Link for the Booklet [FS Books]

Here are the Missouri pages for Film #1688410, Vol 2 - Pages 46 - 47 ~ Pages 48 - 49
[Note, the Film has the same Title as above]
Here is the link for the Film

Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Volumes: 1901- 1903, 1904-1906, 1907-1909, 1910-1912
Some of the Registers list the Genealogical Lineage of the Members


Pre-WWII Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941.

Please use this List to locate persons of interest.
And then this Link for the actual Records
Here is the FS Wiki which explains the records and their contents

Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, 1866
The Book is arranged alphabetically by State and is fully searchable.
There are also Army & Navy Burial Lists at the end of the State Lists.

During the 1960's and 1970's, a Gentleman named Sherman Lee Pompey did a lot of Military Research:
Quite a few of his works can be found in the FS Catalog: The focus of his research seems to surround the Civil War
along with the Cavalry and Infantry Troops who were involved.
There are a lot of Burial Records for those who fought and lost their lives from one cause or another.
Here are three pages of Books that contain Military Information: The file is a searchable & linked pdf.
Use the Above Link to locate and download items of interest.
Log into your FS Account for access.

Here are sample books
Here are some Titles of interest, links to the FS Catalog

MO, CW Burials, Pompey, Sherman Lee
Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol VII
Covering the Men In The MO Cavalry [Confederate and Union] and MO State Militia Cavalry

Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol VIII
Covering Men in MO Regiments: Inc Body Guards, Atrillery, Cadets, Hussars, State & Home Guards, Enrolled & Provisional Enrolled Militai, Miners & Sappers, MS Marine Brigade, Etc.

Civil War Veteran Burial Listings: Vol IX
Covering Men in the MO Infantry [Union & confederate, State Militia Infantry and Colored Infantry

Muster lists of the Missouri Confederates
There are 9 parts to this Resource

There are a couple of films that may be of interest.
"Master list of Missouri Civil War Veteran Burials"
There are no Indexes: But, the format Mr Pompey used is consistent in that he lists the Names from the 'Top Down'
In other words, Officers [Rank] to Non-Comissioned & Enlisted Men last.

Film 483686: Vol 1: Cavalry, Artillery
Images 1 - 432: Regiment 'Resume' Imgs 428-432

Film 486386: Vol 2: Artillery, Engineers, Etc
Images 436-559 ~ Miscellaneous Units: 560-561

Film 483687: Vol 3: MO Infantry 1 - 25, Others
Resume of Burials: Images 7 - 9
Burial Lists: Images 10 - 402

Film 486687: Vol 4,: MO Infantry 26 - 51 & Others
Images 407 - 658

Military: Historical and Genealogical

"Service Record Book of Men and Women of Princeton, Missouri and Community" 1948 [FS Catalog]
Missouri in the Wars...
Missouri in the American Civil War
Battles fought in Missouri ~ The USS Missouri
Military Forts in Missouri

Court Martial's ~ Confederate Prisoners ~  Union Soldier Executions [FS Catalog]
Film 2406002 - Court-martial papers, Record Group no. 133, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, 1862-1877
FS: Documents and Records - Explanation and Image Charts
Explanation: How to Access
LDS Films: 2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920: Index

United States Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
Proceedings of U.S. Army courts-martial and military commissions of Union soldiers executed by U.S. military authorities, 1861-1866

"United States Union Provost Marshal Files of Individual Civilians, 1861-1866"
 Images of records from the United States Provost Marshal during the Civil War. The Provost Marshal served as military police for the Union Army. Records in this collection deal with deserters, Confederate spies, civilians suspected of disloyalty, civilian passage through military zones, etc. The records are in Record Group 109 located in the National Archives. This collection corresponds to NARA publication M345: Union Provost Marshals' File of Papers Relating to Individual Civilians.

Reports of Civil War [Union Army] Generals

More Military Resources

Search the DAR, the GAR or the SAR
Missouri Confederate Records ~ Revolutionary Pension Roll: Residence Missouri
"Soldiers of the Great War" [Vol 2~ MO]
1890 Veteran's Schedule: Residence, Mercer County
Soldiers of the War of 1812 Who Are Buried in the State of Missouri : A - L ~ M - Z

Military Forts of Missouri: LDS Films: Here is an explanation of contents
Here is the Catalog Link for all of the Forts

War of 1812
Military Bounty Land Warrants: Missouri, 1815- 1858
LDS Film # 983163
The table below indicates the Alpha Ranges & Image Numbers
The Warrants are here
Please use this link for all films

New Military Records:Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 [FS]
The above set of files is very interesting. There are thousands of records.

U.S., Naval Hospital Tickets and Case Papers, 1825-1889 The Index is Here
POB, Missouri : Really Interesting, gives info on reason for admitting to Hospital
The National Archives has a set of the above documents

War Casualties: LDS Film 4218687 [Missouri]
US Navy, Coast Guard & Marines : Published in 1946
The infomation: Name, Rank, Street Address & Parents : Access: FS Catalog

Family Search has a very extensive collection of Military Records
Search their 'Collections: Military Section'
Search, Records, Scroll Down to 'Collections : Browse
Then add 'Military' in the Search Box

Crime and Punishment
Pennsylvania Prison Records

More Databases for "Crime & Punishment"

Missouri State Penitentiary: 1836 - 1931 [Search]
Online Explanation of the Prison & Records
FS: Documents & Records - Explanation & Image Charts LDS Films: 2407222 ~ 2406002 ~ 2405919 ~ 2405920:
Family Search Catalog: Missouri State Archives

Court Martial and Military Prison Records

Prison Records: Family Search Databases [Film]
Please Use This Link for the Chart and Film Numbers
Log Into your FS Account, Catalog, Search, Enter Film # in Fiche/Film Slot

Prison Record Databases [FS Chart]
San Quentin, Folsom Prison, Mc Neil Island
Yuma Territorial Prison

There are also FBI Criminal Records and a set of records entitled
"Record of the Federal Dead" in Military Camps
Information on Census Records & Federal Prisons
And... 'The Espy Files'

"Professional Criminals of America"
Thomas Byrnes
Inspector of Police and Chief of Detectives: New York City
Cassell & Company, Limited
739 & 741 Broadway, New York
Copyright, 1886 By Thomas Brynes
The Addenda and Index begin on Page 412
Read Online or Download [FS]

Probate Record Indexes: LDS Film 1008221
1849 - ? Court Papers, Estates
A - B, C - D, E - G, H - K, L - M, N - Q, R - S, T - Z
Find an item of interest, then go here
Here is a small index of Probate Dates & Vols that goes along with the above film #.

Odds and Ends
>>>What's New<<<

Mercer County, Missouri
[Circuit]Court records, 1868-1887
Missouri. Circuit Court (Mercer County) (Corporate)
These are really interesting records, everything from Delinquent Tax Records to Adoptions and Murder Trials!
There are alpha indexes at the beginning of each Film
There are 6 Films

Book Assortment: Crime, Biography, Medical
There are  download links for, Google E Book Items & Google Drive

"Missouri State Medical Directory"
Containing a Carefully Prepared List of Physicians,
Dentists and Druggists, Together with Colleges
Hospitals, Medical Associations and
Societies throughout the State
The Medical Fortnichtly Press,
St Louis - Chicago
Table of Contents ~  All Counties List ~ Appendix
Read Online or Download : FS Catalog / Books

"The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States"
Edited By:
William B Atkinson, M D: Author of "Hints in the Obstertic Procedure," etc...
Philadelphia: Charles Robson, 1878
There are three Indexes, "Alpha", "Local" & "Analytical" The two most useful are Alpha and Local

The Indexes are Here

The Book can be read online or downloaded.

"American Women : The official who's who among the women of the nation"
by Howes, Durward, 1899-
Publication date, 1937 - V2
There are two interesting Indexes: Geographical, Occupational
There is one page of Necrology [Names, no Dates, A - K]
The Biographies are Alpha Organized
The Indexes are Here
Read Online or Download []

Woman's Who's Who of America"
A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada
1914-1915: John William Leonard, Editor-in-Chief
New York: The American Commonwealth Company
There is no Alpha Index, instead the Authors saw fit to make one that is titled: "Her Married Name".
There is an Addenda - Corrections set of pages.
The Bios are listed Alphabetically.
The Addenda and 'Married Name'

The book can be read online or downloaded

"Men of America"
A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries
Edited By: John W Leonard
L R Hamersly & Company
One West Thirty Fourth Street, New York city: 1908
There is no TOC or Index ~ Entries are Alphabetical :

Google Books: Read Online or Download

"Men and Women of America"
A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporaries
L R Hamersly & Company
One West Thirty Fourth Street, New York city: 1910
Copyright 1909 By
L R Hamersly & Company, New York
There is no TOC or Index ~ Entries are Alphabetical

Read Online or Download

"The American Bar"
The Professional Directoy of
Lawyers of the World
Sarah Livermore: Editor
Sixty-Second Annual Edition: 1980
Published by:
Reginald Bishop Forster & Associates, Inc
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Please use this link for Index and Split Sections

Miscellaneous Resources

The National Archives has a really nice set of digitized records that can be viewed and downloaded.
This file is a linked searchable List of all Resources.
The Catagories are very interesting.

Missouri Digital Heritage: Collections [Browse]
There is a wealth of great information in the above Collections
There is a great site that has all sorts of links to free Historical and Genealogical Data
"The Ancestor Hunt"
Digital Newspapers ~ Year Books & Alumni Books School Records ~ Obituaries ~ Coroner, Mortuary & Cemetery Records
BMD's ~ Birth & Marriage Records ~ Divorce & Death Records ~ Probate & Tax Records ~ Institutional & Military Records ~  Naturalizations & Immigration ~ Criminal & Digital Archives ~ Directories ~ Photos & Voter Records
Scroll down, left side has the menu
Family Search "Collections"
There is a wealth of Family and Historical information contained on the FamilySearch WebSite.
It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.
So, I have created concentrated categories of databases which are accessible using this link,
Note: The above link goes to Google Drive

Categories and Descriptions
Cemeteries, Etc [Burial, Cemeteries, Coroner, Funeral Homes, Graves]
Church Records[ Baptism's, Catholic Church, Christenings, Church [General]]
Legal Documents and Resources [Court, Estate, Probate Records]
Migration - Naturalization - Travel [Border Crossings, Migration, Naturalization, Passenger Lists, Passports]
Military [Bounty [Land], Military [Misc], Pensions, Soldiers, Veteran's, War[s]]
Odds and Ends [Applications, Homestead, Membership, Native Americans, Parish [Location & Church], Pioneers, Prison, Voting, Obituaries, Veteran & Soldier's Homes, Children's Home]
Vital Records [Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Death, Mortality Records

Family Search: Historical Image Section for Mercer County
Resources Include:
Probate ~ Marriage [Records & Licenses] ~ Census ~ Biographies & History ~ Military ~ Court ~ Wills ~ Church [Many types of Data] ~ Deeds
Missouri - More Miscellaneous Resources
Over the Years... DAR "Genealogical Collections"
This is the link for the Missouri Collections.
The DAR Ladies collated, compiled, and transcribed thousands of Records

 "Missouri Cousins Book 977.8D2"
Author: A Maxim Coppage
Published by: Raines Publishing Company
11 W 20th Street, Antioch, Calif., USA ~ September 1969
This little book is chock full of bits and pieces of family information.
Use this link for the Mercer County Pages
Use this link for the Index if you wish to look at other County Records
 Access: Download the book using the link above or use the FS Catalog and get the film.
Missouri Pioneers, County and Genealogical Records; 30 Volumes Created by:
Hodges, Nadine ~ Vineyard, John, Mrs. ~ Woodruff, Audrey Lee Wagner, 1913-1996
[Books - FS Catalog - Log In, Search: Use Nadine Hodges ]

 Family Group Sheet Project

If you are interested in searching for more clues for finding family,
please give this USGW Project a try.
Even if you do not find new goodies, consider contributing your work to the Project
Use this Link: Missouri Page

'This Just In...'

The Denver Public Library has an interesting set of databases which are free to access:
Mining Accidents: 1839 > 2006
There is an index on Ancestry, but the Library has a search engine too. Go Here
Missouri Historical Society University of Missouri: Digital Library The above data is on Ancestry.

Ancient Faces"
From the Old RW Files: Photos with Family Names
Also: Mercer County: Now and Then [Old Photos]

US Naturalization Records, 1840 - 1957

These records are for women who married Alien's and lost their Citizenship.
When the relationship was terminated, they could apply for Citizenship under an Act passed in 1936.
Genealogical Information: Lineages
This Link explains the law and it's implications.
Regrettably, the indexes and information are on Ancestry

Contributions to the old RW Mercer County Site ~ Reformatted for Reference
More odds... Masons of Mercer County

Early Will Records of North Central Counties of Missouri

Compiled by: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry
[Date Unknown, might be 1960's]
There are 4 MO Counties in the book along with Indexes
The whole book is available in the FS Catalog: Please use this Link

School Records
Mercer County School Ledger: 1888-1912
"This is copied from a school ledger purchased by my aunt, Pat Osburne Bassett, at an estate sale in Cainsville, Missouri. My grandfather, Cleo Osborne, was raised in Cainsville (Harrison County), and his name is on the roll in this book. In another section of this ledger, his mother, Alcinda Osborn, was listed as a student, and Alcinda's father, John Osborn, is listed as one of the school directors.

Some pages are very faint, and the different years were recorded by different individuals and some of the writing is hard to read. There are known errors in this ledger; for instance, on some of the pages my grandfather was listed as a girl, but I have made every effort to copy this record as it is written. A few years did not list the gender of the student, so the ages are placed all together in a separate column.The first page says:
'The "STANDARD" School District Record
Designed to Establish a Uniform Method of keeping the DISTRICT RECORDS in Accordance with the Laws of the State of Missouri'.Inserted in the pages of the book was a Teacher's Certificate, naming J. W? Harrison, dated Sept 15, 1893."
Copied by Linda Osburne from
The "Standard School District Record"
School District 9, Township 66
Mercer County, Missouri

Newspapers, Miscellaneous Historical Resources History Hub
Magazines, Books-Fiction & Non Fiction, Articles
History, Newspapers, Biographies, Collections, And More
Remember: Vital Records can be found in Newspapers
This is the link for the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project
Free Digital Newspapers:
Chronicling America ~ Google Archives ~ California Digital Newspapers [There are Articles for MO]

"The Fine Print"

Mercer Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
The MOGenWeb State Coordinator is Mel Owings

The Asst. State Coordinator is  Martha A C Graham

Information contained on all of the pages within the Mercer portion of the MOGenWeb may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes. Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due: Any and all donated data will remain with the County in the event of the resignation of the County Coordinator. If any person who donates material in the future and wishes to have it returned to them, it will be accomplished upon request.
Site Updated: 4 March 2025

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